Sunday, September 8, 2013

Help Curb Teacher Health Insurance Rate Increases. Please.

Pardon this interruption in posts - I needed a place to share some information. Not that I've been posting lately, so it will probably go unnoticed. But I am sharing some information on Facebook and needed a web address to refer friends for more information.

 If you are joining me for the first time, and if you teach, feel free to look around. I'm proud of the very few posts I have here - and need to return to posting.

But this is why your are here. The information about Arkansas teacher insurance rates. You can read an additional article here. The following is information sent out to members of my classroom teachers association. It is helpful in contacting the correct committee members.

 On Monday, September 9th, there is a hearing in Little Rock to look into the increase in health insurance costs for public school employees. I've been asked for suggestions as to how to write the chairs of this committee to voice your opinions and concerns on this matter.
Teachers across the state are horrified by this increase, and there will be teachers from across the state at this hearing to show support for finding a solution to this issue. For those who are working and can't make this MONDAY meeting in Little Rock, writing an email is a powerful way to letting your voice be heard. I strongly urge you to take the time between now and Monday to do this.
Hints about how to write your representatives:
  1. Make your point in your subject line. Sometimes they don't have time to read more than that. 
  1. Make it short and sweet. Mine is too long--which is nothing new. A few sentences about how this will affect you, affect the paras/staff in your building, affect your disposable income during a weak recovery from a recession--short and sweet. 
  1. Please don't just copy and paste mine. They see right through that, and give it little credit. 

To fix this problem before it goes into effect in January, we need to have legislators that are willing to help and a governor who is willing to call a special session.
The chairs/vice-chairs of education and insurance standing committees are:
  • Representative Robert E. Dale, Vice-Chair, House Committee on Insurance and Commerce, 

If you are willing to write a short email, please tell these members how this will affect you and your family. If you don't teach, please remember that when the best teachers, the ones with education and drive to excel in their professions, when those teachers find that they can make considerably more money and better benefits almost anywhere else, where do you think they will go? Do you want your children taught and cared for only by those who couldn't get a better offer? 

We teachers appreciate the support of our friends, students and their families. Thank you for reading this. Maybe we can make a difference.